End-to-End solution for drivetesting.

Our platform is modular and expandable, it covers every  scenario from gathering drivetest signal data, storing them in DB, datamining to creating constant up to date reports for sharing.

Unlimited signal samples storage

A dedicated VM and DB server per customer will hold the entire history of your drivetest and bandwidth tests in your organization. A high performance GPU accelerated visualization engine is served to every client on connection.

Minions to do the work for you.

Do you also find dedicated 5G signal analyzers a bit pricy?  With our affordable minion endpoints that changes. They are open sourced and based on the industry standard Qualcomm X55 5G modem.

Advanced Filtering System

Our real-time filtering system can sieve out millions of those less important signal samples to present you with only what you need at any particular moment. Instantly. Whether you are looking for a specific moment in time or need to narrow down the results to a single base station radio. Filters are stackable and output can be any combination of the Value, Time, and GeoRegion Filters.

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